Red peppers storaged in the refrigerator for 3 weeks: changes in texture and carotenoid content

Today’s consumption patterns are characterized by periodical purchases of food and longer food storage periods which could have a negative effect on nutrients and other healthy components. Specifically in red peppers (Lamuyo variety), researchers from the CSIC (ICTAN and SGAI) and the Faculty of Pharmacy-UCM studied the effect of their conservation for 3 weeks in a domestic refrigerator at 7 ºC on the texture and content of carotenoids. Raw red peppers were analyzed at week 0 and again after 1, 2 and 3 weeks under refrigerated conditions. Pepper texture became crumbly with increased storage time due to softening and wilting processes. However, carotenoid concentrations did not significantly vary after 21 days under household refrigeration conditions and thus the nutritional supply of provitamin A carotenoids and of carotenoids with eye health benefits such as lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as others with potential health benefits in humans such as capsanthin, violaxathin, phytoene and phytofluene.


Contact: Olmedilla
