Seminars “La autentificación de líneas celulares humanas. Un paso imprescindible para validar la reproducibilidad de nuestros experimentos”

Anuncio seminario 24-5-2023

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2022 at 11:00 am Place: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) Title: “La autentificación de líneas celulares humanas. Un paso imprescindible para validar la reproducibilidad de nuestros experimentos”. Speaker: Gemma Rodiguez-Tarduchy, Servicio de Genómica- IIBM (Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas Alberto Sols)

Seminars “Dieta, sueño y riesgo cardiometabólico: del círculo vicioso al círculo virtuoso”

Seminario 17-03-2023 en el ICTAN

Date: Friday, march 17, 2022 at 12:00 am Place: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) Title: “Dieta, sueño y riesgo cardiometabólico: del círculo vicioso al círculo virtuoso”. Speaker: Dra. Jara Pérez Jiménez This seminar will coincide with the celebration of theWorld Sleep Day and is associated with the stay that […]

Paper Invitation: NUTRIENTS, special Issue “Carotenoid Biomarkers of Dietary Exposure and Nutritional Status”

Cartel de Carotenoid biomarkers of dietary exposure and nutritional status

As the Guest Editor of Special Issue below, I would like to invite you to collaborate as a contributor author in Special Issue of the journal Nutrients entitled “Carotenoid Biomarkers of Dietary Exposure and Nutritional Status”. The newly Impact Factor (IF) for Nutrients increased from 5.717 to 6.706 (Journal Citation Report, 2021 Edition). Nutrients now […]

Seminars “Microbiota, metabolitos fenólicos de la dieta y entrenamiento inmune: posible papel frente a enfermedades infecciosas e inflamatorias”

Seminario 14-10-2022

Date: Friday, october 14, 2022 at 12:00 am Place: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) Title: “Microbiota, metabolitos fenólicos de la dieta y entrenamiento inmune: posible papel frente a enfermedades infecciosas e inflamatorias”. Speaker: Dr. Héctor Rodríguez López Contact: